Keep It Fun : From the Hobby Table
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Calnaga Explained

Keep It Fun

by Steve Perry on 08/30/11

You've heard that popular expression, "Keep it real".  I guess that's a good way to go in life; we want to be truthful and we want to be authentic as people, but I'm not sure it's always the best policy in modeling.  I have put plenty of effort into building realistic projects, whether ficticious subjects or replicas. I strive for good research, scale fidelity, accurate finishes, etc.  I find a lot of satisfaction in this.  But recently, I went way outside the box and built a Weird-Oh.  Yeah, these are the Ed Roth-esqe characters released by the Hawk Model Company in the early 60's.  I did the re-release of Digger, a shark toothed, nine-fingered monster driving his fuel roadster way past the limit. It's an easy build and most of my time was spent on painting.  It came out pretty cool and most importantly, it was a refreshing, low pressure project that was BIG ON FUN.  Check out Digger in the Gallery.  And yes, he's got a couple of Calnaga's new Enderle Blower Hats workin', so he's legit.  For more info on the Weird-Ohs, check out webmaster Bunthorne's Blog

Insights and Musings from the Hobby Table