Magazine Coverage : From the Hobby Table
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Calnaga Explained

Magazine Coverage

by Steve Perry on 02/12/12

Model car magazines are like a glue that holds the hobby together.  They give us news about new kits and aftermarket parts.  They have how-to features that help us learn new techniques and contest coverage to show us what other guys are doing with their builds.  Our favorites at Calnaga are Scale Auto and Model Cars.  They're different in scope and content, but both fill an important role in the hobby and I enjoy reading them both.  Did you see the Cheer Wagon in the December '11 issue of Model Cars?  I thought it looked pretty good, but just wait, there's more coming in 2012.
If you've ever had your work published, whether it's a small contest photo, or a full feature article, you know how great it feels to see your work in print.  As editors Gregg Hutchings and Jim Haught will tell you, there's a lot more to it than just building a good model.  Photo quality, good writing, and content that matches the editorial direction of the magazine are all important.  But from where I sit, it does start with a great model, though not necessarily a contest winner or a build representing hundreds of hours of work.  Creativity, realism, and clean building are the foundation of magazine-quality model work.  We can help you with that at Calnaga Castings.

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