Save Time by Neatening Up : From the Hobby Table
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Calnaga Explained

Save Time by Neatening Up

by Steve Perry on 06/04/12

Does your work bench get so full of parts, tools, and materials that you can't find what you need?   This weekend I mislaid a simple part, but I had invested a fair amount of time in it.  That oil tank sitting in the back of the modern Revell funny car chassis is a nice part.  I like the realistic shape and the oil hoses that go to the frame.  I covered mine in carbon fiber decal and then lost it.  I didnt want to take one from another kit, and I didn't want to re-do the paint and decal work either.  So I searched.  And searched.  Eventually I found it buried in a tray full of pens and pencils.  Don't ask how it got there, I don't know.  Lesson learned:  Taking the time to keep things neat is a good investment.

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